Just been really busy. :)
Wow, it's been a while since my last post. Been meaning to get something up here, but I keep getting distrac... oh look, a puppy! :PActually though, there really is a puppy. :) I just got my new puppy last Saturday. Her name is Stormy, and she has beautiful merle coloring! I haven't taken any pictures of her myself yet, but the breeder we got her from had this one on their website. http://shadylanekennel.net/our_girls/zena
(Zena is Stormy's mom) (the picture is under Stormy's old name-Ellie)
Isn't my baby just ADORABLE!!!! I love her!! She's so sweet, cuddly, and very smart! (and I'm using way too many exclamation marks when I talk about her... :) ...)
On a different subject, we had our local Bible Bee meet back on August 27th. And ALL FOUR of the National level competitors in our family have been invited to compete at Nationals!!!!
(Lyss, Isaiah, Eli, and me) It's being held in Nashville, TN this year, so thankfully it won't be as long of a drive as last year. (up to Illinois) I'm very, very, very excited about this, since this is my first year to be invited as a competitor.
I'm also so excited about being assistant Sunday school teacher for the 4th and 5th graders at my church. The kids are so smart and most of them seem to really enjoy the class. We've only had a couple weeks so far, but I'm looking forward to the rest of the year.
And another new thing! (wow, stuff really builds up when you don't post for three months :) ) Soccer season has begun! All four of my brothers and I are playing this season. :D I'm loving it, even though I'm one of the worst players on the team. :) Hopefully I'll have improved by the end of the season.
Well, I guess I won't write any more right now, since I should get back to studying my bible verses. :) [I make no guarantees that there will be any future posts, though I will try to update about Nationals :) ]
I'll leave you with a verse from Nahum...
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. (Nahum 1:7)
With much thankfulness for many blessings....
Congrats on the National competition invite, Emily! I think you'll get better at soccer with practice. :)